So I'm back on Arch now. Again. Guess one might call me a distro-hopper already, but I don't think this is true as I most likely will stick with Arch for a long time again.

Reasons for switching back from Gentoo? Well, mainly KISS. I recently had to set up a new workstation for Linux development at work and was deeply impressed by the simplicity and ease of the whole process with Arch.

Setup from zero to was done in no more than half an hour, whereas with Gentoo I would have needed at least half a day. I know this comparison is rather unfair as package compilation simply does take its time, but this is part of the focus: waiting for stuff to compile, no matter how fast your machine is, slows you down and prevents you from going on with configuration.

I will miss the flexibility and power of Portage a bit, and I have learned a lot by going through the Gentoo ways of setting things up. But on the other hand I will enjoy the simplicity of how stuff is done KISS-style with Arch - especially systemd related parts of system management.

This time I'll stick with generic optimizations in makepkg.conf in order to make the packages reusable, so expect the Arch repository to come back soon :)